- Dependability
- Honesty
- Good attitude
- Accountability
- Team player
- Organization
- Proactiveness
- Resiliency
- Motivation
- Good communication skills
- Attendance
Cindy is a Computer Support Specialist major, and after graduation she plans on obtaining a job where she can utilize the skills that she has learned at CRBC. She has an overall GPA of 3.76 and attendance rate of 99.2%. Cindy is a member of the Ambassador Club, helping out with various activities for CRBC and assisting new students in becoming familiar with CRBC. During her school term she won the Armstrong County Technical School Scholarship offered through the Armstrong County Community Foundation located in Kittanning. Cindy is the Treasurer for the PTA at her daughter’s school, Elderton Elementary. In her spare time she enjoys camping, walking and reading.